Dear UMass Amherst Parents,
Welcome to UMass! I know you want your student to eat well and study smart.
UMass Dining is the place to be.
Campus dining is an integral part of the campus life experience. Various studies have shown that eating a well-balanced nutritious meal helps students succeed in the classroom. Our awarding-winning dining program makes it easy for your son or daughter to eat a well-balanced meal; we have a passion for food and focus our attention on convenience, flexibility and variety in the foods we serve. We are committed to serving the diverse dining needs of the University community. With a meal plan, the food is taken care of, so your son or daughter is free to focus on academics, athletics and other aspects of campus life.
In addition to saving time and money, being on a meal plan offers a sense of belonging and community for students. Dining on campus gives your student the opportunity to socialize with friends, take a break from a hectic college schedule, and enjoy an atmosphere designed with students in mind.
An additional bonus for parents is that they can always eat free in the dining commons with their student on the meal plan. Please join your student for a meal any time.
We look forward to and take great pride in serving your student. Please feel free to contact me by email or phone if I can answer any questions or if you have any suggestions or concerns.
Ken Toong
Executive Director of Auxiliary Enterprises
P.S. Just a reminder we have a Gifts From Home program for your convenience